Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2013

Indian Coast Guard Region, Ministry of Defence invites online applications from eligible Indian citizens for recruitment ofAssistant Commandant posts in various branches as a Group 'A' gazetted Officer for SC & ST category post. Interested Candidates may apply online from 16th November, 2013 to 22nd November, 2013.
Vacancy details in Indian Coast Guard:
Name of Posts :
1. General Duty (Men)
2. Technical Branch (Mechanical/Electrical)-Men

Age Limit : 
1. For post no. 1 : Born between 01-07-1989 to 30-06-1993
2. For post no.2 : Born between 01-07-1984 to 30-06-1993

Educational Qualification :
1. For General Duty : Bachelor Degree
2. For Technical Branch : Engineering in Mechanical or Electrical branch.

Selection process : Selection will be made on the basis of performance in Mental Ability Test, Picture perception and Discussion test, Psychologist test, Group Testing and Interview.

How to Apply : Candidates would be required to fill online application form on 22nd November, 2013.

Note : Shortlisted candidates will be called for preliminary selection.

Important Dates :
Opening date for submission of Online application : 16-11-2013
Last date for submission of online application : 22-11-2013
Preliminary Selection will be conducted on : Dec 2013/Jan 2014

Click here to view the official notification. 

Click here to Apply Online


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