Friday 8 November 2013

NTPC Diploma Trainees Admit card 2013

National Thermal Power Corporation(NTPC) has uploaded the NTPCDiploma Trainees Admit card 2013 on NTPC Main portal NTPC Diploma Trainees written Examination is scheduled to conduct on 17th November, 2013

Few months age , NTPC has issued recruitment notification regarding the recruitment of candidates for DiplomaTrainees post. NTPC has 236 vacant positions of DiplomaTrainees post.

Diploma Trainee Written Examination date : 17-11-2013

Diploma Trainee Exam pattern : DT Exam will be held in two parts.
1. Part-I : Knowledge Test (70 MCQ of respective discipline)
2. Part-II : Aptitude Test (50 MCQ on English, Quantitative
aptitude & Reasoning)

Click here  to download NTPC Diploma Trainee Admitcard 2013


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