Wednesday 6 November 2013

Sub Divisional Officer Recruitment 2013

Sub Divisional Officer Purbamedinipur issued recruitment notification for filling 189 vacancies of Asha Workers posts. Interested Candidates can send their applications in prescribed format before 21st November, 2013.

Vacancy details in Sub Divisional Officer Purbamedinipur 
Number of vacancies : 189
Name of posts : Asha Workers

Eligibility :

How to Apply : Candidates need to download theapplication form through official website , then fill it with all mandatory details and at last along with all relevant testimonials send it to address mentioned in the notification.

Age Limit & Educational Qualification : Kindly read the official notification to get complete details.

Important dates :
Last date for receipt of Application form : 21-11-2013

Click here to view the official notification for 160 posts.

Click here to view the official notification for 29 posts.


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